Carlo Bergamini - an unassuming grave for a sculptor

From Archivio Digitale

Carlo Bergamini - an unassuming grave for a sculptor

Category: Other

Title Carlo Bergamini - an unassuming grave for a sculptor
Author Sarndra
Year 2013
Language English
Format {{{format}}}
Geographic reference Palmerston, Oamaru, Waimate, Dunedin, Riverton, Invercargill, Christchurch, Carrara
Time reference 1900s - 1930s
Online resource YES
Subcategory {{{subcategory}}}
Topic Italian stone masons, Italian sculptors, Early Italian immigrants, Italian artists


Extensive blog post about Carlo Bergamini, which includes photos of his grave, the house were he lived in Christchurch, and several war memorials (Palmerston, Waimate, Oamaru, Riverton and Dunedin) and a marble memorial tablet at Otago Boys' High School. Also included is an article from the Otago Daily Times , Issue 12822, 17 November 1903, about a civil setting, informations about his wife and children, and a useful list of sources.

More about Carlo Bergamini: Bergamini, Carlo Giuseppe - Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand