Captain Frank Amodeo

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Captain Frank Amodeo (original title: Amodeo Rocks, Amodeo Bay - who was Amodeo?)

Category: Article

Title Captain Frank Amodeo (original title: Amodeo Rocks, Amodeo Bay - who was Amodeo?)
Author Colin Amodeo
Year 2009
Publication Don Armitage, originally published in the Auckland-Waikato Historical Journal in 1992
Language English
Format {{{format}}}
Geographic reference Coromandel, Trieste, Mercury Bay-Great Barrier, Auckland, East Bay,
Time reference 1841 - 1897
Online resource YES
Subcategory {{{subcategory}}}
Topic Seamen, Sailors, Early immigrants, Mariners, Amodeo


The story of Captain Frank Amodeo, written by his great grandson Colin Amodeo. The original writing Amodeo Rock, Amodeo Bay - who was Amodeo? was published in the Auckland-Waikato Historical Journal in 1992 and is available at the National Library of New Zealand, with images and maps. Frank Amodeo, born in Trieste in 1841, was a seaman with the Northern Steam Ship Co in colonial Auckland.

Frank Amodeo was one of the pioneers of Auckland sea transport in the days when roads were few and of poor quality. Short, stocky, genial but with a fiery temper when crossed, he was one of the Northern Company’s popular skippers and a good example of an enterprising “foreigner” who had made a successful life in colonial Auckland. Colin Amodeo

The article also describes the circumstances surrounding the naming of Amodeo Rocks and Amodeo Bay. The article was published with permission on Dom Armitage in 2009, and can be found online here.

Photos of Amodeo Bay and Captain Amodeo Road sign (in the same maps as Amodeo Bay), Coromandel, Waikato, can be found here.

Amodeo Bay and Captain Amodeo Road - photos